Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Fulness of My Gospel—Part II

In so many places in the scriptures, there are things being said, and there are things not being said. And what’s funny is that, if you pay attention to both, you gain a greater understanding of what God is, actually, saying—of what he is trying to communicate.

There are several scriptures that demonstrate this, but, for now, let’s keep things simple and revisit D&C 35:12:

12 And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the fulness of my gospel, which I have sent forth unto this generation. (D&C 35)

“The fulness of my gospel” is such an interesting phrase, don’t you think? If you pay attention to what is not being said, you realize that it’s got some specificity to it. The Lord doesn’t just say “my gospel.” He says “the fulness of my gospel,” which automatically implies that there exists something that is less than a “fulness.”

So, before we go any further, let’s define what a “fulness” is, in general.

FULL'NESS, n. [from full]

1. The state of being filled, so as to leave no part vacant.

2. The state of abounding or being in great plenty; abundance.

3. Completeness; the state of a thing in which nothing is wanted; perfection.

4. Repletion; satiety; as from intemperance.

5. Repletion of vessels; as fullness of blood.

6. Plenty; wealth; affluence.

7. Struggling perturbation; swelling; as the fullness of the heart.

8. Largeness; extent.

9. Loudness; force of sound, such as fills the ear.

Gah!! Such great definitions!!

So, we see that whatever constitutes a “fulness” won’t have anything missing. A “fulness” is complete, whole, perfect, replete, and wanting nothing. 

If we are to do “good,” we must receive “his gospel” in its entirety. There cannot be any part of it that is missing. There cannot be any part of it that is unacceptable to us. Nothing about it can be wanting. It must be accepted as a complete whole. Can we receive less than a “fulness?” Yes. We just can’t claim to be doing “good” if we do.

Has the Lord told us what a fulness of his gospel entails? Yep. Speaking in the verse above, he says that he “sent [it] forth in this generation.”

It is all over scripture and will be the focus of Part III.