Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Purchase An Inheritance

My studies took me to D&C 45 this morning. So good! Here is one verse I feel impressed to share this morning, along with some questions to think about.
And with one heart and with one mind, gather up your riches that ye may purchase an inheritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you. (D&C 45:65)

What are your riches? What is the process of gathering them up? How would they be used to purchase an inheritance? What inheritance are you trying to purchase? What will those riches cost you in gathering them up? How would an inheritance be appointed unto you? Why are one heart and one mind a requirement for gathering up riches?

Extra credit: verses 64 and 66-67 of the same section, Matthew 6:19-20, and Jacob 2:18-19, for starters ;)