Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Scriptures, the Spirit, and Stereograms

Back in the 90s, there was a fad that came into existence called “Magic Eye”—computer generated artwork that, at first glance, appeared to be nothing more than abstract patterns of colors across a paper, canvas, or screen. However, the images were designed to be viewed in a certain way, and when they were, the person viewing the artwork would be able to see a clear, crisp, 3-dimensional image emerge from the initial abstraction.

If you tried to focus your eyes directly on the surface of the artwork, as if it was any other typical piece of artwork, you would never see the 3D image. Seeing the 3D image required you to focus your eyes on a point beyond the depth of the surface of the artwork itself. You had to stare “into” the image. You had to intentionally “unfocus” your eyes and try to look at things in a way that initially seemed completely unnatural but that also became much more natural the more often you did.

I can remember these pictures being a source of great frustration for anyone who tried to, and couldn’t, see the 3D image. I also remember the huge sense of realization, accomplishment, and satisfaction that came to those who tried and could. Invariably, those who saw the 3D image would ask to see another one, excited to see if they could do it again. Knowing that there were undiscovered treasures in the artwork, they clamored for more, and more often than not, they were more than happy to try to help others who had not yet figured it out.

Learning about God is a lot like this. It can be a struggle, at first, and you’re probably going to need at least one person to show you something about how to do it. But once you learn something about Him, you can’t help but go back for more. What you “see” is information about him that you can incorporate into yourself.

This information is all around you. God is in and through all things, and when you “focus” your spiritual eyes on things around you, clear “images” of him will jump out at you, enabling you to make his image part of your own.

Reading the scriptures, especially the teachings of Jesus, reveals a wealth of information about God. When we read the scriptures with a desire to find and apply everything we learn about God to ourselves, the Spirit unveils what we seek.

There is so much more than what we naturally see around us. There is great joy to be found in discovering more about God, incorporating everything you discover about him into yourself, and helping others do the same.