Saturday, May 6, 2023

Technical Difficulties

What an exquisitely beautiful morning this has been!

I intended to put up another post in “The Holy Order of God” series this morning, but the Lord took me down another path, and I am so overcome with his Spirit that I just can’t.

He is so good! Words cannot express it!

I don’t think that I have ever found myself so frustrated with my inability to express to others all of the love and joy I feel for everything that God has taught and shown me. And yet, the fact that he gives me the capacity to feel that love and joy only increases what I feel in the first place, and then it feels limitless and unbounded.

One time, in a dream, the Lord showed to me what I can only describe as an “unbounded sepulcher.” It was so full of things that can only be described in the spirit that I won’t make a pathetic attempt to describe it here.

But there is opposition in all things, and God has shown me the eternal life and limitless joy that is the opposite of that sepulcher, and I cannot praise him enough! [1] I find my own mortality to be a source of “technical difficulties” that prevent me from communicating to others what God has shown me in immortal realms. But the fact that I know that that love and joy exists—that I feel it myself and that I can see it (or at least glimpses of it) in other people and things—fills my heart to overflowing.

Were you to see even a fraction of what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do to bring about his righteous purposes, you would drop to your knees in humble gratitude and then get up and actively praise him forever for his goodness.

Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. (Revelation 5:13)

[1]-I’ve used that expression before, and the fact that I am using it again only emphasizes the whole point of this post.