Friday, September 8, 2023

“I Will…Raise Up Seed Unto Me”

29 Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes.

30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things. (Jacob 2)

Can I just say that I’ve about had it with debates on plural marriage? Seriously! What a topic of never-ending discussion—a veritable enigma in LDS culture! Maybe there’s a reason for that.

May I propose that, perhaps, “[raising] up ‘seed’ unto [the Lord of Hosts]” doesn’t mean what most people think it means. Remember, God’s ways are higher than our ways, and what a word means to us is probably not going to be the same as what it means to him.

What is “seed?” What does it mean to “raise up seed?” Who constitutes “seed” in the practice?

Things to study and ponder.