Sunday, April 5, 2020

Another Perspective on the Hosanna Shout

The announcement by the leaders of the LDS church of a Hosanna shout during the Sunday morning session of the April 2020 conference was probably met with much excitement and anticipation by most members of the church.  For me, personally, that was not the case.

The Lord told me a few years ago that the times of the Gentiles were coming to an end.  If you don’t know what that means, I highly recommend that it become a matter of intense and focused study. Since then, He has been showing me just how ineffectual many (if not most) of the things we believe as a church are NOT from Him.  They are vain and empty.  They do not lead to the promised results, and all the while we are none the wiser as we continue to engage in works that are truly dead and lead to death and misery.

While scrolling through some Facebook posts yesterday, I came across a friend's post that spread the word about the Hosanna shout.  It had the following image:

As I scrolled past that post, the Lord asked me how long it was after this event that the Jews rejected Him and the realization that it was only days after that that they rejected Him weighed heavily on my heart.

During today’s conference session, the Lord taught me more. He taught me that the Jews who were shouting, “Hosanna!” had already rejected Him. They had already rejected Him because, in their minds, they thought that they were shouting to an individual who was going to save them politically. They didn’t KNOW Him and they didn’t understand His purposes and that is why, only days later, they called for his crucifixion.

The word “hosanna” is a cry and plea for salvation. When the Jews welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem, it was intended to be a shout of praise and adoration because the Jews were assuming that Jesus would save them. They thought that they were on the brink of salvation from their political enemies. Instead, it became a curse upon their heads because they didn’t understand that while salvation was, indeed, right before them, they were not willing to accept it in the form that it took. Their rejection led to their destruction.

The modern-day LDS church has done the exact same thing. The scriptures outline how the Lord will remember Israel and any serious student of the scriptures who has taken the Spirit as their guide will reach the conclusion that the LDS church is not following that outline. Today’s Hosanna shout is mockery before God because it assumes that the Lord is with us and that He will save us from what is to come when we are clearly acting in opposition to, and have rejected, the instructions that He has given us. And, like the Jews, we will eventually be destroyed for that rejection.