Sunday, August 9, 2020

"The Law" by Frederic Bastiat

A little less than a year ago, I posted the following on my Facebook page:

One of my favorite books of all-time is “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat. It is a short and relatively easy read. So much logic! So much common sense!—two ingredients that are sadly lacking in our culture and that is why you can look around and notice pretty quickly that the  recipe for a good and stable society is just not turning out right. We have thrown reason to the wind and (more often than one might think) we subscribe to and even fight for the very things that will destroy us. Bastiat does a fantastic job of giving us the tools to whittle away the rhetoric of so many of the issues that we face today, so that we can meet our challenges head on-independent of any who would bring us into subjugation, intended or not.

You can find copies of this book in many places on the internet. Here is a link to a free pdf of the book.

Do yourself a favor and skip the next movie or TV show and sit down and read this short (but life-altering) book. For any seeker of truth, it won’t disappoint. :)

I feel to share this here on my blog, as well. There are destructive forces at work that have gained (and are quickly gaining) the support of well-intentioned individuals who simply do not understand underlying principles that should govern the decisions we make. These principles are like the rudders on a ship—relatively imperceptible, but absolutely necessary if individuals and societies are to successfully navigate the inherent challenges of this world.